
The Skin Blog

Know your skin

Peptide GSE4

The GSE4 peptide has an anti-aging effect because it is capable of modifying various cellular parameters at different levels: it increases the capacity of cells to divide and lengthens the life of telomeres.
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5 pilares del envejecimiento de la piel

The 5 pillars of skin ageing

As the skin naturally ages, a cascade of events take place that modify its histological and molecular composition. Based on scientific evidence, we believe that there are 5 fundamental pillars that contribute significantly to maintaining and regulating the healthy state of the skin.
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cuidado de la piel en invierno

Winter skin care

In the winter, skin is exposed to cold, wind and a lack of humidity. Abrupt temperature changes are common (going from outdoor cold to indoor heating) and have a negative effect on skin, rapidly reducing moisturization levels.
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Know your skin

La piel humana constituye el órgano más extenso de nuestro cuerpo y es la primera barrera física-química y biológica de protección del organismo. Saber su composición y entender nuestra piel puede ayudarnos a cuidarla mejor.
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